Daily Location Report
The VT180 GPS device will automatically report vehicle location once per day. This location update is stored in the vehicle history and does not deduct locates from a user's account.
Stop Report
The VT180 monitors all stops made by a vehicle during a given time period. This information is collected in a report which can be downloaded and printed by users through our website.
Patented trakSMS™ feature allows users to communicate directly with their GPS unit using the text message function of any cell phone. Users receive the immediate address, speed and direction the unit is heading and are able to send additional commands to lock/unlock doors and disable/enable the starter.
Real-Time Alerts and Notifications
Customizable alerts set by the user allow users to receive a text message and/or e-mail notifying them when the unit is in motion, if it has left one of the six customizable geo-fences (which are invisible boundaries set by the user).
State-of-the-Art Mapping and Imaging
The VT180 uses Google Earth to show unit location information in road map, aerial, hybrid (which is the aerial and road map views combined)
Starter Enable/Disable
Owners can send a command to prevent the vehicle from being started at any time. This allows owners to regain control of their vehicle and prevent damage from happening. The vehicle will not disable while in motion.
On-Demand Locating
This feature allows owners at any time to quickly and easily locate their vehicle by simply logging on to the website and pressing the 'Locate' button.
OBDII Wiring Harness (Optional Feature)
This option allows users to perform a simple and fast install. By plugging the device wiring harness into the OBDII port on most of today's vehicles, this harness 'clones' the factory port.
GPS Tracking Device Ordering Information - Click Here!